Glossary - 2 IP Router - Release 1.8
DNS Domain Name Servers, also known as resolvers, are a system of
computer which convert domain names into IP addresses, which consist
of a string of four numbers up to three digits each.
Filter An operating parameter used with routers that can be set to block the
transfer of packets from one LAN to another.
Firewall Any of a number of security schemes that prevent unauthorized users
from gaining access to a computer network and/or may monitor the
transfer of information to and from the network.
Frame A fragment of data that is packaged into a frame format, which comprises
a header, payload, and trailer.
Hops Each individual short trip that packets make from router to router, as they
are routed to their destination.
IP Internet Protocol
LMI Local Management Interface. A specification for the use of frame-relay
products that define a method of exchanging status information between
devices such as routers.
Loopback A diagnostic test in which a signal is transmitted across a medium while
the sending device waits for its return.
Mbps Million Bits Per Second.
NTP Network Time Protocol, developed to maintain a common sense of time
among Internet hosts around the world. Many systems on the Internet run
NTP, and have the same time (relative to Greenwich Mean Time).
PAP Password Authentication Protocol