IP Router - Release 1.8 8-5
Statistics Window
Remote’s Name
This field reflects the names of all the Remote (WAN) profiles listed in the Profile Directory.
Forwarded to WAN
This field represents the number of data packets per second (pps) that are being forwarded from
the LAN to the respective remote units. Each screen update is a current snapshot of transmission
Throughput to/from WAN
This field value displays two numbers which represent the current bandwidth utilization in bits
per second (bps) for each remote site listed. The TO number represents transmission utilization
going from the LAN to the listed remote unit. The FROM number represents transmission
utilization received from the listed remote unit.
Comp. Ratio to/from WAN
Using advanced data compression algorithms, the Router constantly seeks to determine the best
way to compress the data to be transmitted across the WAN. The values in this field represent
how much the Router was able to compress the data. Since some data is more compressible than
others, the compression ratio will reflect this.
Remote Conns.
The numeric value in this field represents the number of connections currently active per
Remote (WAN) site.