5-28 IP Router - Release 1.8
Profile Directory:Remote Profile
Static Addresses
Setup Static
<IP Address> - To setup a static IP address.
<MAC Address> - To setup a static MAC address.
Device Name
A user-defined name of the LAN device that is associated with this static address. Up to 7
characters is allowed for this field.
MAC Address
Enter the MAC Address of the desired device. If the static address is configured through the
Local (LAN) Profile Setup screen, the device can be reached via the local LAN. If the static
address is configured on a specific Remote (WAN) Profile screen, the device can be reached via
that specific remote. This field is only available if the Setup Static field is set to <MAC
IP Address
Enter the IP Address of the desired device. If the static address is configured through the Local
Profile Setup screen, the device can be reached via the local LAN. If the static address is
configured on a specific Remote (WAN) Profile screen, the device can be reached via that
specific remote. This field is only available if the Setup Static field is set to <IP Address>.
(IP Address)