9-8 IP Router - Release 1.8
System Reports Window
This field displays the first 11 characters of the name of each known server. This field applies
only to IPX Servers.
This field displays the numeric value (of hops) indicating the distance from your Local (LAN)
network to the destination network. This field applies only to IP Networks.
Next Gateway
This field displays the MAC Address of the first gateway (Router) that the data will use to reach
the destination network. This field is only used on IP Networks.
See Metric, above. This field is only used on IPX Networks.
This field displays the distance between two networks as measured in time increments (1/18th
of a second). This information is only used by IPX Networks. Like hops, ticks may be used to
designate primary and secondary routes to the same network. Although both the hops and ticks
values are considered when determining routing priority, for Novell networks, the tick value is
considered first.
Next IPX Router
This field displays the MAC Address of the next gateway (Router) that the data will use to reach
the destination network. This applies only to IPX Networks.
Frame Type
This field will display the chosen frame type of the packets that are sent and received by the
Router. If a packet is received that is formatted in a frame type that has not been enabled, the
Router will not accept the data. Note that multiple frame types may be supported
simultaneously. This field applies only to IPX Networks.