IP Router - Release 1.8 5-33
Profile Directory:Remote ProfileFirewall Filters
ServiceThis field displays the service that this particular rule affects. The most common services have
been pre-defined however, there are a select few options where you may further define the
service to be filtered.
Service Establishment Use this field to establish the transmission direction that will be affected by this rule.
Name Description
Finger Display information about users
FTP File Transfer Protocol
Gopher Document search and retrieval
HTTP World Wide Web
ICMP Internet Control Message
Equal = number between 0-65535
Range = Start Number (0-65535) End Number (0-65535)
NUM IP protocol number to be specified, see Protocol Number in Firewall Filters
on pageB-2 for a list of these Protocols and the assigned number.
Protocol Number = number between 1-255
NNTP Network News Transfer
Ping ICMP echo request/reply
POP3 Post Office Protocol Version 3
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
Equal = number between 0-65535
Range = Start Number (0-65535) End Number (0-65535)
Telnet User interface to remote unit
UDP User Datagram Protocol
WAIS Wide Area Information Services
Incoming All session establishments coming from the remote which match the value
in the Service field, will adhere to the value in the Action field.
Outgoing All transmissions outbound from the LAN toward this remote which match
the value in the Service field, will adhere to the value in the Action field.
In/Out Will affect both incoming and outgoing transmissions.