Catalyst2950 and Catalyst2955 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter5 Assigning the Switch IP Address and Default Gateway Checking and Saving the Running Configuration
To remove the switch IP address, use the no ip address interface configuration command. If you are
removing the address through a Telnet session, your connection to the switch will be lo st. To remove the
default gateway address, use the no ip default-gateway global configuration command.
For information on setting the switch system name, protecting access to privileged EXEC commands,
and setting time and calendar services, see Chapter 8, “Administering the Switch.”
Checking and Saving the Running Configuration
You can check the configuration settings you entered or changes you made by entering the show
running-config privileged EXEC command: For information about the output of this command, refer to
the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamental Command Reference for Release 12.1.
To store the configuration or ch anges you ha ve made to your star tup conf igurati on in flash me mory , ente r
the copy running-config startup-config privileged EXEC command. This command saves the
configuration settings that you made. If you fail to do this, your configuration will be lost the next time
you reload the system. To display information stored in the NVRAM section of f las h me mo ry, use the
show startup-config or more startup-config privileged EXEC command.
For more information about alternative locations from which to copy the c onfigurat ion file on t he
Catalyst 2950 LRE switches, see Appendix B, “Working with the Cisco IOS File System, Configuration
Files, and Software Images.”
Modifying the Startup Configuration
This section describes how to modify the switch startup configuration only on a Cat alyst 295 0 LRE
switch. It contains this configuration information:
Default Boot Configuration, page 5-12
Automatically Downloading a Configuration File, page 5-12
Booting Manually, page 5-13
Booting a Specific Software Image, page 5-13
Controlling Environment Variables, page 5-14
Step8 show ip redirects Verify the configured default gateway.
Step9 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Command Purpose