Catalyst2950 and Catalyst2955 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter4 Getting Started with CMS
Configuring CMS
CMS Requirements
This section describes the hardware and software requirements for r unnin g CMS:
“Minimum Hardware Configuration” section on page 4-8
“Operating System and Browser Support” section on page 4-8
“CMS Plug-In” section on page 4-9
“Specifying an HTTP Port (Nondefault Configuration Only)” section on page 4-10
“Configuring an Authentication Method (Nondefault Configuration Only)” se cti on on pa ge 4-10
Note The software requirements are automatically verified by the CMS Startup Report when you launch CMS.
For more information, see the “Launching CMS” section on page 4-10.

Minimum Hardware Configuration

The minimum PC requirement is a Pentium processor running at 2 33 MHz with 64 MB of DRAM. The
minimum UNIX workstation requirement is a Sun Ultra 1 running at 143 MHz with 64 MB of D RAM .
Table 4 -2 lists the minimum platforms for running CMS.

Operating System and Browser Support

You can access the CMS interface by using th e operat ing system s and bro wsers lis ted in Table 4-3. CMS
checks the browser version when starting a session to ensure that the browser is su ppo rte d.
Table4-2 Minimum Hardware Configuration
OS Processor Speed DRAM Number of Colors Resolution Font Size
Windows NT 4.01
1. Service Pack 3 or higher is required.
Pentium 300 MHz 128 MB 65,536 1024 x 768 Small
Solaris 2.5.1 or
higher SPARC 333 MHz 128 MB Most colors for
applications —Small (3)
Table4-3 Supported Operating Systems and Browsers
Operating System Minimum Service Pack or Patch Netscape
Communicator Microsoft Internet
1. Service Pack 1 or higher is required for Internet Explorer 5.5.
Windows 98 Second Edition 7.1 5.5 or 6.0
Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6 or later 7.1 5.5 or 6.0
Windows 2000 None 7.1 5.5 or 6.0
Windows XP None 7.1 5.5 or 6.0
Solaris 8 or later Sun-recommended patch cluster
for the OS and Motif library patch
7.0 Not supported