Catalyst2950 and Catalyst2955 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter4 Getting Started with CMS Displaying CMS
Front Panel View
When CMS is launched from a command switch, you can display the Front Panel view by clicking the
Front Panel button on the tool bar, as shown in Figure4-6.
Figure4-6 Toolbar
When CMS is launched from a noncommand switch, the CMS Front Panel view displays by default, and
the front-panel image displays only the front panel of that switch.
The Front Panel view displays the front-panel image of the command switch and any other switches that
were selected the last time the view was displayed.
You can choose and configure the switches that appear in Front Panel view. You can drag the switches
that appear and re-arrange them. You can right-click on a switch port to con figure t h at por t.
Figure4-7 Front Panel View and Port Popup Menu
1Front Panel view button 2Topology view button

1 2

1Cluster tree 3Checkboxes to show switches
2Command switch 4Port configuration popup menu

3 4