Catalyst2950 and Catalyst2955 Switch Software Configuration Guide
loop guard
described 16-12
enabling 16-19
support for 1-5
LRE environment
guidelines 13-9
troubleshooting 32-18
LRE interleave delay 13-20
LRE link
monitor 13-20
persistence 13-19
LRE links
See LRE ports
LRE message logging 13-8
LRE ports
assigning a global sequence 13-13
assigning a port sequence 13-14
assigning a private profile 13-13
assigning a public profile 13-12
assigning the default profile 13-13
CPE Ethernet links
Cisco 575 LRE CPE considerations 13-11
Cisco 585 LRE CPE considerations 13-12
described 13-2, 13-6
duplex mode 13-11
flow control 13-11
speed 13-11
statistics 13-7
described 13-1
link qualification 13-16
LRE links
considerations 13-9
described 13-2
statistics 13-11
preventing loss of data 13-11
LRE ports (continued)
rate selection
described 13-14
sequences 13-5
troubleshooting 32-18
LRE profiles
global profiles 13-13
port sequences 13-14
private profiles 13-13
public profiles 13-12
considerations 13-10
described 13-2
rate selection 13-14
table of 13-3, 13-4
See also LRE ports and CPE
LRE profiles, considerations in switch clusters 7-17
lre shutdown command 13-6
LRE switch, upgrading firmware 13-23
LRE technology 13-1
See also LRE ports and CPE
LRE upstream power back-off 13-21
MAC addresses
aging time 8-23
and VLAN association 8-22
building the address table 8-22
default configuration 8-23
discovering 8-28
displaying 8-28
displaying in DHCP snooping binding table 20-8
learning 8-22
removing 8-24
in ACLs 29-18