Catalyst2950 and Catalyst2955 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter17 Configuring VLANs Configuring Normal-Range VLANs
This section includes information about these topics about normal-range VLANs:
Token Ring VLANs, page 17-5
Normal-Range VLAN Configuration Guidelines, page 17-5
VLAN Configuration Mode Options, page 17-6
Saving VLAN Configuration, page 17-7
Default Ethernet VLAN Configuration, page 17-7
Creating or Modifying an Ethernet VLAN, page 17-8
Deleting a VLAN, page 17-10
Assigning Static-Access Ports to a VLAN, page 17-11
Token Ring VLANs
Although the switch does not support Token Ring connections, a remote device such as a Catalyst 5000
series switch with Token Ring connections could be managed from one of the supporte d switche s.
Switches running VTP version 2 advertise information about these Token Ring VLANs:
Token Ring TrBRF VLANs
Token Ring TrCRF VLANs
For more information on configuring Token Ring VLANs, refer to the Catalyst 5000 Series Software
Configuration Guide.
Normal-Range VLAN Configuration Guidelines
Follow these guidelines when creating and modifying normal-range VLANs in your network:
See Table17-1 for the maxim um nu mber of su pport ed V LANs pe r swi tch m od el. On a switc h
supporting 250 VLANs, if VTP reports that there are 250 a ctive VLANs, four of the active VLANs
(1002 to 1005) are reserved for Token Ring and FDDI.
Normal-range VLANs are identified with a number between 1 an d 1001 . VL AN nu mber s 10 02
through 1005 are reserved for Token Ring and FDDI VLANs.
VLAN configuration for VLANs 1 to 1005 are always saved in the VLAN datab ase. If V TP m ode
is transparent, VTP and VLAN configuration is also saved in the switch running configuration file.
The switch also supports VLAN IDs 1006 through 4094 in VTP tr an spare nt m ode (VTP di sabl ed)
when the EI is installed. These are extended-range VLANs and configuration options are limited.
Extended-range VLANs are not saved in the VLAN database. See the Configuring Extended-Range
VLANs section on page 17-12.
Before you can create a VLAN, the switch must be in VTP server mode or VT P tra nsp aren t mode.
If the switch is a VTP server, you must define a VTP domain or VTP will not function.
The switch does not support Token Ring or FDDI media. The switch does not forward FDD I,
FDDI-Net, TrCRF, or TrBRF traffic, but it does propagate the VLAN configuration throughVTP.
The switch supports 64 spanning-tree instances. If a switch has more active VLANs than supporte d
spanning-tree instances, spanning tree can be enabled on 64 V LANs an d is di sabl ed o n the
remaining VLANs. If you have already used all available spanning-tree instances on a switch,
adding another VLAN anywhere in the VTP domain creates a VLAN on that switch that is not
running spanning-tree. If you have the default allowed list on the trunk ports of that sw itch (w hic h