Catalyst2950 and Catalyst2955 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter4 Getting Started with CMS Configuring CMS

Privilege Levels

CMS provides two levels of access to the configuration options: read-write ac cess and r ead-only access.
If you know your privilege level, you must specify it in the URL that you use to access the cluster. For
example, if your privilege level is 13, enter this URL:
Privilege levels 0 to 15 are supported.
Privilege level 15 provides read-write access to CMS. This is the default.
Privilege levels 1 to 14 provide read-only access to CMS. Any options in the CMS windows, menu
bar, toolbar, and popup menus that change the switch or cluster configuration are not shown in
read-only mode.
Privilege level 0 denies access to CMS.
If you do not specify a privilege level when you access CMS, the switch verifies whether you have
privilege level 15. If you do not, you are denied access to CMS. If you do have privilege level 15, you
are granted read-write access. Therefore, you do not need to include the privilege level if it is 15.
Entering zero denies access to CMS.
Note You must have privilege level 15 to access CMS through a TACACS+ or RADIUS server.
For more information about privilege levels, see the “Preventing Unauthorized Access to Your Switch”
section on page 9-1 and the “Configuring Multiple Privilege Levels” section on page 9-8.

Access to Older Switches in a Cluster

If your cluster has these member switches running earlier software releases and if you have read-only
access to these member switches, some configuration windows for those switches display incomplete
Catalyst 2900 XL or Catalyst 3500 XL member switches running Cisco IOS R ele ase 12. 0(5)WC 2
or earlier
Catalyst 2950 member switches running Cisco IOS Release 12.0(5)WC2 or e arli er
For more information about this limitation, refer to the release notes.
These switches do not support read-only mode on CMS:
Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 switches
Catalyst 2900 XL switches with 4-MB CPU DRAM
In read-only mode, these switches appear as unavailable devices and canno t be c onfigure d fro m CM S.
Configuring CMS
This section contains these topics that describe the req uirement s and conf iguratio n informa tion for C MS:
“CMS Requirements” section on page 4-8
“Cross-Platform Considerations” section on page 4-9
“Launching CMS” section on page 4-10