Catalyst 3550 Multilayer Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter17 Configuring System Messa ge Logging Configuring System Message Logging
Note Specifying a level causes messages at that level and numerically lower levels to be displayed at the
To disable logging to the console, use the no logging console global configuration command. To disable
logging to a terminal other than the console, use the no logging monit or global configuration command.
To disable logging to syslog servers, use the no logging trap global configuration command.
Table17-3 describe s th e level keywor ds. It also lis ts the co rrespo nding U NIX s yslog defi niti ons fr om
the most severe level to the least severe level.
The software generates four other categories of messages:
Error messages about software or hardware malfunctio ns, di spla yed at l evels wa rnings through
emergencies. These types of messages mean that the functionality of the switch is affected. For
information on how to recover from these malfunctions, refer to the Catalyst 3550 Multilayer Switch
System Message Guide.
Output from the debug commands, displayed at the debugging level. Debug commands are
typically used only by the Technical Assistance Center.
Interface up or down transitions and system restart messages, displayed at the notifications level.
This message is only for information; switch functionality is not affected.
Reload requests and low-process stack messages, displayed at th e informational leve l. Th is
message is only for information; switch functionality is not affected.
Step6 show running-config
show logging
Verify your entries.
Step7 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Command Purpose
Table17-3 Message Logging Level Keywords
Level Keyword Level Description Syslog Definition
emergencies 0 System unstable LOG_EMERG
alerts 1 Immediate action needed LOG_ALERT
critical 2 Critical conditions LOG_CRIT
errors 3 Error conditions LOG_ERR
warnings 4 Warning conditions LOG_WARNING
notifications 5 Normal but significant condition LOG_NOTICE
informational 6 Informational messages only LOG_INFO
debugging 7 Debugging messages LOG_DEBUG