Catalyst 3550 Multilayer Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter3 Getting Started with CMS Menus and Toolbar
Cluster Manager3Launch a CMS session from the command switch.
Create Cluster1 4Designate a command switch, and name a cluster.
Delete Cluster1 5Delete a cluster.
Add to Cluster1 5Add a candidate to a cluster.
Remove from Cluster1 5Remove a member from the cluster.
Standby Command Switches2 5Create a Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) standby group to provide command-swi tch
Hop Count2 5Enter the number of hops away that a command swit ch l ook s for me mb ers a nd fo r
candidate switches.
Device Manager5Launch Device Manager for a specific switch.
Host Name1Change the host name of a switch.
STP2Display and configure STP parameters for a switch.
IGMP Snooping2Enable and disable Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) snooping and IG MP
Immediate-Leave processing on the switch. Join or leave multicast groups, and co nfigure
multicast routers.
(guide mode available1)Create and maintain access control lists (ACLs), and attach ACLs to specific ports.
Security Wizard1Filter certain traffic, such as HTTP traffic, to certain users or devices.
(guide mode available on some
Display submenu options to enable and disable quality of service (QoS) and to configure
or modify these parameters:
Trust enable/disable2
Trust settings2
Classes2 (guide mode available1)
Aggregate policers2 (guide mode available1)
Policies2 (guide mode available1)
IP Routing2 6
(guide mode available1)Display submenu options to configure or modi fy t h ese p aram eters:
Protocols2 (guide mode available1)
Static routing2 (guide mode available1)
Equal- and unequal-cost routing2 (guide mode available1)
IP Multicast Wizard1 6Provide minimum information to configure IP multicast routing on a device so that it can
forward multicast packets as a part of a multicast tree.
IP Multicast Routing2 6Enable and configure multicast routing.
Table3-10 Menu Bar (continued)
Menu-Bar Options Task