Catalyst 3550 Multilayer Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter22 Configuring IP Unicast Routing
Configuring IGRP
If variance is configured as described in the preceding secti on , IG RP o r En ha nced IGRP di stribu tes
traffic among multiple routes of unequal cost to the same destination. If you want faster convergence to
alternate routes, but you do not want to send traffic across inferior routes in the normal case, you might
prefer to have no traffic flow along routes with highe r met rics . Use th e traf fic-share router
configuration command to control distribution of traffic among multiple routes of unequal cost.
Note For more information and examples, refer to the Cisco IOS IP and IP Routing Co nfig uration Gu ide
for Release 12.1.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure IG RP. Configuring the routing
process is required; other steps are optional:
Command Purpose
Step1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step2 router igrp autonomous-system Enable an IGRP routing process, and enter router configuration mode. The
autonomous system number identifies the routes to other IGRP routers and
tags routing information.
Step3 network network-number Associate networks with an IGRP routing process. IGRP sends u pda tes t o
the interfaces in the specified networks. If an interfaces network is not
specified, it is not advertised in any IGRP update. It is not necessary to have
a registered autonomous system number, but if you do have a reg iste red
number, we recommend that you use it to identify your process.
Step4 offset list [access-list number | name]
{in | out} offset [type number](Optional) Apply an offset list to routing metrics to increase incoming and
outgoing metrics to routes learned through IGRP. You can limit the offset
list with an access list or an interface.
Step5 neighbor ip-address (Optional) Define a neighboring router with which to exchange routing
information. This step allows routing updates from RIP (normally a
broadcast protocol) to reach nonbroadcast network.
Step6 metric weights tos k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 (Optional) Adjust the IGRP metric. By default, the IGRP composite metric
is a 23-bit quantity that is the sum of the segment delays and the lowest
segment bandwidth for a given route.
tosType of services; the default is 0.
k1-k5Constants that convert a metric vector into a scalar quantity.
Defaults for k1 and k3 are 1; all others are 0.
Step7 timers basic update invalid holddown
flush [sleeptime](Optional) Adjust routing protocol timers.
updateThe time (in seconds) between sending of routing updates .
The default is 90 seconds.
invalidThe timer interval (in seconds) after which a route is declared
invalid. The default is 270 seconds.
holddownThe time (in seconds) during which routing information
about better paths is suppressed. The default is 280 seconds.
flushThe time (in seconds) that must pass before a route is removed
from the routing table. The default is 630 seconds.
sleeptimeInterval in milliseconds for postponing routing updates.
The default is 0.