Catalyst 3550 Multilayer Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter3 Getting Started with CMS Accessing CMS
Access Modes in CMS
CMS provides two levels of access to the configuration options: read-write access and read-only access.
Privilege levels 0 to 15 are supported.
Privilege level 15 provides you with read-write access to CMS.
Privilege levels 1 to 14 provide you wit h read -on ly a ccess to CM S. Any op tions i n t he CM S
windows, menu bar, toolbar, and popup menus that change the switch or cluster configuration are
not shown in read-only mode.
Privilege level0 denies access to CMS.
If you do not include a privilege level when you access CMS, the switch verifies if you have
privilege-level 15. If you do not, you are denied access to CMS. If you do have privilege-level 15, you
are granted read-write access. Therefore, you do not need to include the privilege level if it is 15.
Entering zero denies access to CMS. For more information about privilege levels, see the “Preventing
Unauthorized Access to Your Switch” section on page6-1.
Note If your cluster has these member switches running earlier software releases and if you have
read-only access to these member switches, some configuration windows for those switches
display incomplete information:
Catalyst 2900XL o r C atalyst 3500 XL member switches running Cisco IOS
Release 12.0(5)WC2 or earlier
Catalyst 2950 member switches running Cisco IOS Release 12.0(5)WC2 or earlier
Catalyst 3550 member switches running Cisco IOS Release12.1 (6)EA1 or earlier
For more information about this limitation, refer to the Catalyst3550 release notes.
These switches do not support read-only mode on CMS:
Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 28 20
Catalyst 2900 XL switches with 4-MB CPU DRAM
In read-only mode, these switches appear as unavailable dev ice s a nd c an not be c onf igur ed from
HTTP Access to CMS
CMS uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which is an in-band form of com mun icat ion with t he
switch through any one of its Ethernet ports and that allows switch management from a standard web
browser. The default HTTP port is 80.
If you change the HTTP port, you must include the new port nu mb er whe n you e nter the IP add ress i n
the browser Location or Address field (for example, whe re 184 is the new HTTP
port number).
Do not disable or otherwise misconfigure the port through w hich your m anage m ent stati on is
communicating with the switch. You might want to write down the port num ber to w hic h y ou ar e
connected. Changes to the switch IP information should be d one w ith ca re.
For information about connecting to a switch port, refer to the switch hardware installation guide.