Chapter 6 Java Event List Configuration
Creating HTML Pages
Creating HTML Pages
To configure the JEL, you add applet parameters to the HTML pages. An example HTML file is provided in the following file:
The following sections describe the available parameters and how to set their values.
The applet tag defines where the code for the JEL is located and the class that should be run. It also defines the width and height of the applet in the HTML page. For example:
<APPLET CODEBASE=”../classes” archive=”jel.zip” CODE=”COM.micromuse.jel.Jel.class” WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=64>
For Netscape Communicator and other Java 1.1 compliant browser users, change the archive entry to jel.jar. For example:
<APPLET CODEBASE=”../classes” archive=”jel.jar” CODE=”COM.micromuse.jel.Jel.class” WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=64>
There must be a corresponding </APPLET> tag at the end of the applet.
Host Parameter
The host parameter allows you to specify a host to which the applet connects directly. The applet can connect only if the host has no access control. Use this tag with caution. For example:
<param name=”host” value=”host”>
Configuration Parameter
The config parameter allows you to specify the configuration to use. The configuration is defined with JACE, as described in the “Configuration with the JACE Editor” section on page
<param name=”config” value=”jel1”>
Port Parameter
The port parameter allows you to specify the port number. For example, enter:
<param name=”port” value=”7575”>
This parameter defaults to 7575.
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