Cisco Systems OL-16146-10 manual Execute the show scp status and show scp

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Chapter 6 Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Installation Issues





SCP Keepalive Failure

The SP and the MSFC periodically poll each


individual LC in the chassis for its health via


SCP keepalives. Each LC in turn, must


respond within a certain amount of time


(dictated by the SCP keepalive timer) to


indicate its health. If the LC fails to respond


to the keepalives within the stipulated period


of time, the MSFC assumes that there is an


issue with the LC and power cycles it. When


the LC comes back online, the SCP


keepalives are resumed.


A line card might be unable to respond to the


scp keepalives under situations of extreme


stress when the CPU is busy with higher


priority tasks, such as packet switching,


interrupt processing etc.


Execute the show scp status and show scp


line cards command to gather detailed


information about the SCP process and health


of each LC. A show diagbus indicates any


errors with the LC.


Execute the test scp line card keepalive


disable exec command on the RP console to


disable the SCP keepalive timer and debug


LC issues. To prevent the LC from being


power cycled and losing its information,


ensure that you disable the SCP keepalives


for some time.



Line Card in ROM monitor

Linecards have a ROMMON variable


DL_DISABLE depending on which line card


auto boots or remains in ROMMON waiting


for manual boot. If DL_DISABLE is set to 0,


line card does not boot automatically but


waits for the user to manually boot with


respective line card image (from line card


console). Line card auto boots only if




and line card doe not initialize, SCP


Keepalive Failure messages appear on RP





Cisco 7600 Series Ethernet Services Plus Line Card Hardware Installation Guide







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Cisco Systems OL-16146-10 manual Execute the show scp status and show scp