Catalyst 3750 SwitchSoftware Configuration Guide
AppendixC Working with the Cisco IOS File System, Configura tion Files, and Software Images
Working with Configuration Files
Performing a Configuration Replacement or Rollback Operation
Starting in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to replace the running configuration file with a
saved configuration file:
Command Purpose
Step1 archive config (Optional) Save the running configuration file to the configuration archive.
Note Enter the path archive configuration command before using this
Step2 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step3 Make necessary changes to the running configuration.
Step4 exit Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step5 configure replace target-url [list]
[force] [time seconds] [nolock]
Replace the running configuration file with a saved configuration file.
target-url—URL (accessible by the file system) of the saved configuration file
that is to replace the running configuration, such as the configuration file
created in Step 2 by using the archive config privileged EXEC command.
listDisplay a list of the command entries applied by the software parser
during each pass of the configuration replacement operation. The total number
of passes also appears.
force Replace the running configuration file with the specified saved
configuration file without prompting you for confirmation.
time seconds—Specify the time (in seconds) within which you must enter the
configure confirm command to confirm replacement of the running
configuration file. If you do not enter the configure confirm command within
the specified time limit, the configuration replacement operation is
automatically stopped. (In other words, the running configuration file is
restored to the configuration that existed before you entered the configure
replace command).
Note You must first enable the configuration archive before you can use the
time seconds command line option.
nolockDisable the locking of the running configuration file that prevents
other users from changing the running configuration during a configuration
replacement operation.
Step6 configure confirm (Optional) Confirm replacement of the running configuration with a saved
configuration file.
Note Use this command only if the time seconds keyword and argument of
the configure replace command are specified.
Step7 copy running-config
(Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.