Catalyst 3750 SwitchSoftware Configuration Guide
RSTP format 19-13
BPDU filtering
described 20-3
disabling 20-15
enabling 20-15
support for 1-8
BPDU guard
described 20-2
disabling 20-14
enabling 20-14
support for 1-8
bridged packets, ACLs on 34-39
bridge groups
See fallback bridging
bridge protocol data unit
broadcast flooding 38-17
broadcast packets
directed 38-14
flooded 38-14
broadcast storm-control command 25-4
broadcast storms 25-2, 38-14
cables, monitoring for unidirectional links 28-1
candidate switch
automatic discovery 6-5
defined 6-4
requirements 6-4
See also command switch, cluster standby group, and
member switch
Catalyst 3750G wireless LAN controller switch
accessing the controller A-6
displaying controller information A-7
features A-2
interaction with the controller A-3
internal port configuration A-4
internal port EtherChannel A-4
internal ports A-3
internal VLAN A-3
reconfiguring the internal ports A-5
switch stacks A-2
Catalyst 6000 switches
authentication compatibility 10-9
CA trustpoint
configuring 9-54
defined 9-51
and trusted boundary 35-44
automatic discovery in switch clusters 6-5
configuring 26-2
default configuration 26-2
defined with LLDP 27-1
described 26-1
disabling for routing device 26-4
enabling and disabling
on an interface 26-4
on a switch 26-4
Layer 2 protocol tunneling 17-8
monitoring 26-5
overview 26-1
power negotiation extensions 12-7
support for 1-6
switch stack considerations 26-2
transmission timer and holdtime, setting 26-3
updates 26-3
defined 38-91
distributed 38-91
enabling 38-91
IPv6 39-20
as IGMP snooping learning method 24-9
clearing cached group entries 46-62
enabling server support 46-44
joining multicast group 24-3
overview 46-9