Catalyst 3750 SwitchSoftware Configuration Guide
Chapter29 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN
Displaying SPAN and RSPAN Status
To monitor all VLANs on the trunk port, use the no monitor session session_number filter vlan global
configuration command.
This example shows how to remove any existing configuration on RSPAN session 2, configure RSPAN
session 2 to monitor traffic received on trunk port 2, and send traffic for only VLANs 1 through 5 and 9
to destination RSPAN VLAN 902.
Switch(config)# no monitor session 2
Switch(config)# monitor session 2 source interface gigabitethernet1/0/2 rx
Switch(config)# monitor session 2 filter vlan 1 - 5, 9
Switch(config)# monitor session 2 destination remote vlan 902
Switch(config)# end
Displaying SPAN and RSPAN Status
To display the current SPAN or RSPAN configuration, use the show monitor user EXEC command. You
can also use the show running-config privileged EXEC command to display configured SPAN or
RSPAN sessions.
Step5 monitor session session_number
destination remote vlan vlan-id
Specify the RSPAN session and the destination remote VLAN
For session_number, enter the session number specified in step 3.
For vlan-id, specify the RSPAN VLAN to carry the monitored traffic
to the destination port.
Step6 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step7 show monitor [session session_number]
show running-config
Verify the configuration.
Step8 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save the configuration in the configuration file.
Command Purpose