Catalyst 3750 SwitchSoftware Configuration Guide
Bootstrap Router 46-7
Multicast Forwarding and Reverse Path Check 46-7
Understanding DVMRP 46-9
Understanding CGMP 46-9
Multicast Routing and Switch Stacks 46-10
Configuring IP Multicast Routing 46-10
Default Multicast Routing Configuration 46-11
Multicast Routing Configuration Guidelines 46-11
PIMv1 and PIMv2 Interoperability 46-11
Auto-RP and BSR Configuration Guidelines 46-12
Configuring Basic Multicast Routing 46-12
Configuring Source-Specific Multicast 46-14
SSM Components Overview 46-14
How SSM Differs from Internet Standard Multicast 46-14
SSM IP Address Range 46-15
SSM Operations 46-15
IGMPv3 Host Signalling 46-15
Configuration Guidelines 46-16
Configuring SSM 46-17
Monitoring SSM 46-17
Configuring Source Specific Multicast Mapping 46-17
Configuration Guidelines 46-18
SSM Mapping Overview 46-18
Configuring SSM Mapping 46-20
Monitoring SSM Mapping 46-22
Configuring PIM Stub Routing 46-23
PIM Stub Routing Configuration Guidelines 46-23
Enabling PIM Stub Routing 46-23
Configuring a Rendezvous Point 46-24
Manually Assigning an RP to Multicast Groups 46-24
Configuring Auto-RP 46-26
Configuring PIMv2 BSR 46-30
Using Auto-RP and a BSR 46-34
Monitoring the RP Mapping Information 46-34
Troubleshooting PIMv1 and PIMv2 Interoperability Problems 46-35
Configuring Advanced PIM Features 46-35
Understanding PIM Shared Tree and Source Tree 46-35
Delaying the Use of PIM Shortest-Path Tree 46-36
Modifying the PIM Router-Query Message Interval 46-37