Catalyst 3750 SwitchSoftware Configuration Guide
Chapter21 Configuring Flex Links and the MAC Address-Table Move Update Feature
Monitoring Flex Links and the MAC Address-Table MoveUpdate
To disable the MAC address-table move update feature, use the no mac address-table move update
receive configuration command. To display the MAC address-table move update information, use the
show mac address-table move update privileged EXEC command.
This example shows how to configure a switch to get and process MAC address-table move update
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(conf)# mac address-table move update receive
Switch(conf)# end
Monitoring Flex Links and the MAC Address-Table Move Update
Table21-1 shows the privileged EXEC commands for monitoring the Flex Links configuration and the
MAC address-table move update information.
Step4 show mac address-table move update Verify the configuration.
Step5 copy running-config startup config (Optional) Save your entries in the switch startup
configuration file.
Command Purpose
Table21-1 Flex Links and MAC Address-Table Move Update Monitoring Commands
Command Purpose
show interfaces [interface-id] switchport
Displays the Flex Link backup interface configured for an interface or all the
configured Flex Links and the state of each active and backup interface (up
or standby mode). When VLAN load balancing is enabled, the output
displays the preferred VLANS on Active and Backup interfaces.
show mac address-table move update Displays the MAC address-table move update information on the switch.