CiscouBR924 Software Configuration Guide
OL-0337-05 (8/2002)
AppendixB Using the Cable Monitor Tool
Accessing the Cable Monitor
Note The Cable Monitor is disabled by default, so the no ip http cable-monitor command does not need to
be included in the Cisco IOS configuration file that is downloaded to the router at power-on during the
DOCSIS provisioning. However, the Cisco web server is enabled by default; if this is not desirable, you
should include the no ip http server command in the Cisco IOS configuration file that is downloaded to
the Cisco uBR924 router.
When disabling the Cable Monitor, the console might display warning messages similar to the following:
% monitor- is not in the database.
% monitor- is not in the database.
% Range [,] is not in the database.
% Range [,] is not in the database.
These messages can be ignored because they are simply confirming that the IP addresses used for the
Cable Monitor are no longer being used for that purpose.
Note The Cable Monitor can also be disabled by giving the no ip http server command, which disables all
web server access. However, this is not recommended because it does not release the system resources
that are specifically allocated to the Cable Monitor.
Accessing the Cable MonitorThe Cable Monitor can be accessed either through the cable interface (typically by technicians at the
headend or the service provider’s network operations center) or through the Et hernet interface (typically
by subscribers when the cable interface has gone down). See the following sections for more
Note You must be using a web browser that supports frames to access the Cable Monitor pages.
Through the Cable Interface when the Cable Interface is Operational
During normal operations—when the Cisco uBR924 router is online and has connectivity with the
CMTS through the cable interface—service technicians at the headend can access the Ca ble Monitor by
doing the following:
Step 1 Start a web browser on a PC or workstation at the headend that has TCP/IP connectivity with the
Cisco uBR924 router.
Command Purpose
Step1 ubr924(config)# no ip http cable-monitor Immediately disable the Cable Monitor, preventing
any web server access to its web pages. This also
automatically disables access to the Cisco web
server (which is equivalent to giving the no ip http
server command).