CiscouBR924 Software Configuration Guide
OL-0337-05 (8/2002)
AppendixC Using the ROM Monitor
d0 - 0x00000028 a0 - 0x0ff00420
d1 - 0x00000007 a1 - 0x0ff00000
d2 - 0x00000007 a2 - 0x02004088
d3 - 0x00000000 a3 - 0x020039e6
d4 - 0x00000000 a4 - 0x02002a70
d5 - 0x02003e8a a5 - 0x02003f17
d6 - 0x00000000 a6 - 0x02003938
d7 - 0x00000001 a7 - 0x0200392c
pc - 0x02004adc vbr - 0x02000000
cookie—Displays the contents of the cookie PROM in hexadecimal format. For example:
rommon 1 > cookie
01 01 00 00 0c 07 af 80 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
dev—Lists boot device identifications on the router. For example:
rommon 10 > dev
Devices in device table:
id name
eprom: eprom
flash: PCMCIA slot 1
dir devidLists the files on the named device. For example:
rommon 11 > dir flash:
File size Checksum File name
65 bytes (0x41) 0xb49d clev/oddfiles65
2229799 bytes (0x220627) 0x469e C5200-k.z
dlnd [-xv:] [args]—Downloads in binary format through the console and executes. The -x option
downloads, but does not execute. The -v option allows you to specify the verbose level. The optional
arguments are passed to the downloaded program via the argc/argv mechanism ( only when -x is not
used). The exit value is the return value from the downloaded routine or the status of the download
operation (success or failure) if the -x option is used.
frame [number]—Displays an entire individual stack frame. Enter a number to indicate which
frame to display. You can also specify a number to indicate which stack frame to display. Note that
the default is 0 (zero), which is the youngest frame. For example:
rommon 6 > frame 2
Frame 02: FP = 0x02003960 RA = 0x020050ee
at 0x02003968 (fp + 0x08) = 0x02004f8d
at 0x0200396c (fp + 0x0c) = 0x0200f390
at 0x02003970 (fp + 0x10) = 0x02006afc
at 0x02003974 (fp + 0x14) = 0xc0a82983
at 0x02003978 (fp + 0x18) = 0x02003a7e
at 0x0200397c (fp + 0x1c) = 0x02002630
at 0x02003980 (fp + 0x20) = 0x00000000
at 0x02003984 (fp + 0x24) = 0x02000000
at 0x02003988 (fp + 0x28) = 0x0200c4a4
at 0x0200398c (fp + 0x2c) = 0x0200f448
history or h—Displays the command history, that is, the last 16 commands executed in the monitor
meminfo—Displays the size (in bytes) the starting address, the available range of the main memory,
the starting point and size of packet memory, and the size of non-volatile Flash memory. For
rommon 9 > meminfo