CiscouBR924 Software Configuration Guide
OL-0337-05 (8/2002)
Chapter3 Advanced Data-Only Configurations
NAT/PAT Configuration with DHCP Proxy
Note For more information about the Easy IP and NAT/PAT feature set, see the Dial-Related Addressing
Services documentation, available on Cisco.com and the Documentation CD-ROM.
The following configuration for the Cisco uBR924 cable access router shows an example of a cable
access router in routing mode that performs NAT/PAT translation using the DHCP proxy to obtain its
NAT address pool. The relevant commands are shown in bold.
Note Do not enter the ip nat pool command manually. The router automatically generates this command when
it obtains the NAT address pool from the DHCP server.
version 12.1
no service pad
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname Router
ip nat inside source list 1 interface cable-modem0 overload
clock timezone - -4
interface Ethernet0
ip address
ip nat inside
interface cable-modem0
ip nat outside
no cable-modem compliant bridge
cable-modem dhcp-proxy nat nat-pool
ip routing
ip default-gateway
! The following command is automatically added when the router obtains
! the DHCP-provided IP addresses for the NAT pool
ip nat pool nat-pool netmask
! The following command must be manually entered
ip nat inside source list 1 pool nat-pool overload
ip classless
no ip http server
no service finger
ip route
Step9 UBR924(config)# access-list list-id permit address mask Creates the access list specified by the list-id
parameter in the ip nat inside source command. The
address and mask values should specify IP addresses
that belong to the private IP network space being
used by the Ethernet interface.
Step10 UBR924# copy running-config startup-config Saves the configuration to nonvolatile memory so
that it will not be lost in the event of a reset, power
cycle, or power outage.
Step11 UBR924# show startup-config Displays the configuration file that was just created.
Command Purpose