CiscouBR924 Software Configuration Guide
OL-0337-05 (8/2002)
AppendixC Using the ROM Monitor
Main memory size: 8 MB. Packet memory size: 4 MB
Available main memory starts at 0xa000e001, size 0x7f1fff
Packet memory starts at 0xa8000000
NVRAM size: 0x20000
repeat [number or string] [count] or r—Repeats the specified command. Without an argument,
repeats the last command. The optional command number (from the history list) or match string
specifies which command to repeat. In the case of the match string, the most recent command to
begin with the specified string will be re-executed. If the string includes spaces, you must define it
using quotes. The count option allows you to repeat the command more than once.
reset or i—Resets and initializes the system, similar to power-on.
set—Displays all the monitor variables and their values.
stack [num]—Produces a stack trace of the num frames. The default is 5. The command dumps from
the kernel stack and the process stack (if one is available) of a booted image. For example:
rommon 5 > stack 8
Stack trace:
PC = 0x02004adc
Frame 00: FP = 0x02003938 RA = 0x02005f2a
Frame 01: FP = 0x02003948 RA = 0x02005df0
Frame 02: FP = 0x02003960 RA = 0x020050ee
Frame 03: FP = 0x02003994 RA = 0x02004034
Frame 04: FP = 0x02003b00 RA = 0x00012ca6
sync—Writes the working in-core copy of the environment variables and aliases to Flash memory
so that they are read on the next reset.
sysret—Displays the return information from the last booted system image. This includes the reason
for terminating the image, a stack dump of up to eight frames, and if an exception is involved, the
address where the exception occurred. For example:
rommon 8 > sysret
System Return Info:
count: 19, reason: reset
pc:0x60043754, error address: 0x0
Stack Trace:
FP: 0x80007e78, PC: 0x60043754
FP: 0x80007ed8, PC: 0x6001540c
FP: 0x80007ef8, PC: 0x600087f0
FP: 0x80007f18, PC: 0x80008734
unalias name—Removes name and its associated value from the alias list.