CiscouBR924 Software Configuration Guide
OL-0337-05 (8/2002)
AppendixB Using the Cable Monitor Tool
Sample Pages
Home PageThe Cable Monitor home page displays the current st atus of the LEDs on the front panel of the
Cisco uBR924 router and summarizes the status of the router’s registration process with the CMTS.
Figure B-1 shows a typical home page when the Cable Monitor is configured for advanced mode.
FigureB-1 Cable Monitor Home Page
Note Figure B-1 shows the home page when the Cable Monitor is configured for advanced mode; i n this mode,
the left side displays links for all available pages. When the Cable Monitor is configured for basic mode,
the left side displays only the link for the Performance Information page.
The top of the Cable Monitor home page displays the current status of the LEDs on the front panel of
the Cisco uBR924 router:
•Link—If green, indicates that the cable interface is operational. If black, indicates that the cable
interface is not receiving a signal, typically because of a break in the cable connection.
•Voice Port 1—If green, indicates that a call is active on voice port 1. If black, indicates that voice
port 1 is not in use.