CiscouBR924 Software Configuration Guide
OL-0337-05 (8/2002)
AppendixB Using the Cable Monitor Tool
Sample Pages
ranging_2_state—Ranging 2 state
dhcp_state—DHCP state
establish_tod_state—Time of Day state
security_association_state—Security Association state
configuration_file_state—Download Configuration File state
registration_state—Registration state
establish_privacy_state—Establish Privacy state
maintenance_state—Maintenance state
•Ranging SID—The SID assigned to the router by the CMTS.
•Registered—Indicates whether the router successfully registered with the CMTS.
•Privacy Established—Indicates whether the router established a BPI security session with the
•TFTP Server IP Address—Shows the IP address for the TFTP server that downloaded the DOCSIS
configuration file to the router.
•Time Server IP Address—Shows the IP address for the ToD server that provided the correct
time-of-day to the router.
•Time Zone Offset—Shows the time zone that the router has been configured to use.
•Downstream Info—Click this link to display the following downstream characteristics:
DS ID—The Downstream ID assigned to the router.
DS Frequency—The frequency in MHz of the downstream assigned to the router.
DS Symbol Rate—The symbol rate currently used on the downstream.
DS QAM Mode—The bandwidth used on the downstream (64 QAM or 25 6QAM).
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Estimate—The current SNR calculated for the downstream.
DS Lock Threshold—The minimum SNR signal that the router requires to maintain a lock on
the downstream signal.
•Upstream Info—Click this link to display the following upstream characteristics:
US ID—The Upstream ID assigned to the router.
US Frequency—The frequency in MHz of the upstream assigned to the router.
US Power Level—The target power level that the router should be using on the upstream.
US Symbol Rate—The symbol rate currently used on the upstream.
Ranging Offset—The delay correction, in units of 6.25 microseconds, that the router must apply
to the CMTS Upstream Frame Time to synchronize upstream transmissions.
Mini-Slot Size—The size of the DOCSIS mini-slots in units of 6.25 microseconds. Possible
values are 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128.
Change Count—The DOCSIS configuration change count, which tracks how many times the
UCD parameters for a router have changed.
•Configuration File Info—Click this link to display the contents of the DOCSIS configuration file
that the router downloaded during its power-on provisioning.