CiscouBR924 Software Configuration Guide
OL-0337-05 (8/2002)
AppendixA Using Cisco IOS Software
Understanding the Command-Line Interface
Table A -1 lists the command modes in the order they must be accessed. You must log in to a higher-level
mode before accessing the next lower mode. For example, before you ca n enter global configuration
mode, you must first log in to user EXEC mode and then privileged EXEC mode. Then you can enter
global configuration mode, and if desired, log in to interfa ce configuration mode.
To leave a command mode and return to the previous mode, enter either the exit or end command. See
the following sections for more details on each command mode.
Note For complete information on using the CLI, see the Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide,
available on CCO and the Documentation CD-ROM.
User EXEC ModeWhen you log in to the Cisco uBR924 router, you automatically enter the user EXEC command mode,
which contains commands that only display some parts of the rou ter’s configuration. In general, user
EXEC commands allow you to connect to remote devices, change terminal settings on a temporary basis,
perform basic tests, and list system information.
The user-level prompt consists of the router’s name followed by a right angle bracket (>):
To leave user EXEC mode and log out of the Cisco uBR924 router, enter the logout or exit command.
Privileged EXEC Mode
Before you can enter any commands that change the Cisco uBR92 4 router’s configuration, you must
enter privileged EXEC mode. In this mode you can change certain ro uter parameters, use more detailed
show commands, and other configuration modes to change the operation of the rout er and its interfaces.
TableA-1 Cisco uBR924 Router Command Modes
Mode Function Access Method Prompt1
1. The prompt always displays the router’s hostname. The default hostname is “Router” but this can be changed with the global configuration hostname
User EXEC Contains a limited number of commands that only display
information about the Cisco uBR924 router.
Log in. Router>
Contains a larger number of display commands, as well as
other commands that can change the configuration of the
router. Also provides access to the global configuration
From user EXEC mode,
enter the enable
Contains commands that can change the operation of the
Cisco uBR924 router at a system level and provides access
to the interface configuration mode.
From privileged EXEC
mode, enter the configure
terminal command.
Contains commands that change the operation of the
router’s Ethernet and cable interfaces.
From global configuration
mode, enter the interface
interface-num command.