CiscouBR924 Software Configuration Guide
OL-0337-05 (8/2002)
AppendixA Using Cisco IOS Software
Understanding the Command-Line Interface
Note Additional editing commands are given in the Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide,
available on CCO and the Documentation CD-ROM.

Command History Buffer Size

By default, the command history feature stores the 10 most recent commands in its history buffer. You
can change the size of this buffer for the current terminal session with the terminal history command:
ubr924> terminal history size 20
The terminal no history size command resets the number of lines saved in the history buffer to the
default of 10 lines.
Using Output Modifiers
Many of the Cisco uBR924 router’s commands output a great deal of inf ormation that takes many
screens to display. You can use the Cisco IOS software’s output modifiers to filter the output of almost
any command, so that you can display only those lines you are inte rested in.
The output modifier feature is invoked by using the pipe symbol (|). To use this feature, enter a command
as normal but add a space and the pipe symbol at the end of the command line. Then add one of the
The following example shows how the output from the show ip traffic command is filtered to display
only those lines that include the word “error”:
Press Ctrl-D Delete the character at the cursor position.
Press Ctrl-E Move to the end of the line.
Press Ctrl-F Move forward one character.
Press <Esc>-F Move forward one word.
Press Ctrl-K Delete all characters from the cursor to the end of the line.
Press Ctrl-U or Ctrl-X Delete all characters from the cursor to the beginning of the line.
Press Ctrl-W Delete a single word.
1. These editing commands are similar to those used in the EMACS text editor.
TableA-4 Editing Previous Commands
TableA-5 Using Output Modifiers
Command Purpose
begin regular expression Display the first line that matches the regular expression and
then all other lines that follow that line.
include regular expression Display all lines that match the regular expression.
exclude regular expression Display all lines except those that match the regular expression.