CiscouBR924 Software Configuration Guide
OL-0337-05 (8/2002)
AppendixB Using the Cable M onitor Tool
Sample Pages
Debug Information PageThis page displays the output of the show tech-support command, which incl udes the output of the
following CLI commands:
•show version—Displays the hardware configuration, software image names and version, register
settings, and the boot image.
•show running-config—Displays the configuration the router is currently using.
•show stacks—Displays the stack usage of the router’s processes and interrupt routines, inc luding
the reason for the last system reboot.
•show interfaces—Displays the status and configuration of the router’s Ethernet and cable
•show controllers—Displays the current state, configuration, and register information for each
controller that the Cisco uBR924 router uses to move data between the cable and Ethernet interfaces.
•show controller c0 mac state—Displays the MAC layer configuration for the cable interface.
•show voice port—Displays the configuration of each voice port.
•show dial-peer voice—Displays the remote and local dial-peers that have been configured on the
•show gateway—Displays the gateway configuration (if any).
•show call active voice—Displays the contents of the active call table, which shows statistics for the
voice calls currently in progress.
•show call history voice—Displays the call history table, which lists all voice calls connected
through the router’s voice ports.
•show region—Displays information about the memory regions in the router.
•show process memory—Displays details about how tasks are using the router’s memory.
•show process cpu—Displays details about how tasks are using the router’s CPU.
•show buffers—Displays the usage of the different memory buffers on the router.
If an enable password has been set, the user must enter the level 15 user ID and password to acce ss this
page. If no enable password has been set, this page is accessible to all users.
Note Cisco recommends that an encrypted enable password be set on all Cisco uBR924 routers that are
deployed at subscriber sites. If an encrypted enable password is not b eing used at a subscriber’s site, the
Cable Monitor should not be enabled in advanced mode because the Debug Information page displays
information, such as the SNMP community strings, that could be used to defeat the router’s security.
Figure B-7 shows a typical Debug Information page.