CiscouBR924 Software Configuration Guide
OL-0337-05 (8/2002)
Chapter1 Overview
CiscoIOS Software Release Feature Sets
Value Telecommuter
In addition to full DOCSIS 1.0 support and the Home Office (Easy IP) feature set, th e Value
Telecommuter feature set supports 56-bit IPsec encryption and the Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP).
These additional features allow employees to establish secure high-speed Internet connections between
the employees’ homes and the business’ local area network (LAN).
IPsec encryption provides robust authentication and encryption of IP packets so that sensitive
information can be securely transmitted over unprotected net works such as the Internet. The standard
56-bit Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption provides sufficient security for most applications.
Note IPsec encryption is in addition to BPI encryption. BPI encryption is done only on the traffic between the
Cisco uBR924 router and the CMTS, not on traffic sent over the Internet. IPsec encryption, however, is
end-to-end encryption, protecting traffic sent across the Internet from one host to another.
L2TP is an extension of the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) that allows computers on different physical
networks to interoperate as if they were on the same local network. L2TP and IPsec encryption are often
used to create virtual private networks (VPNs).
Note The CiscouBR924 cable access router does not support the L2TP feature in CiscoIOS Release 12.1(3)T
and later releases.
Performance Telecommuter
The Performance Telecommuter feature set includes all of the features found in the Value Telecommuter
image, but adds 168-bit IPsec Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) encryption. The advanced IPsec
encryption provides a higher-level of security to protect very sensitive information, such as medical and
banking records.
Value Small and Branch Office
The Value Small and Branch Office feature set adds the CiscoSecure Integrated Software firewall
feature to the DOCSIS 1.0 support, Home Office (Easy IP), and 56-bit IPsec encryption feature sets,
providing a wide range of security features for the Cisco uBR924 router. The Cisco uBR924 router uses
the firewall capability to protect the computers in the local office network from threats such as denial of
service attacks and destructive Java applets. The router can also provide real-ti me alerts of such attacks.
IPsec encryption provides robust authentication and encryption of IP packets so that sensitive
information can be securely transmitted over unprotected net works such as the Internet. The standard
56-bit Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption provides sufficient security for most applications.
Note The CiscouBR924 cable access router does not support the L2TP feature in CiscoIOS Release 12.1(3)T
and later releases.