CiscouBR924 Software Configuration Guide
OL-0337-05 (8/2002)
AppendixB Using the Cable Monitor Tool
Sample Pages
•5 minute Output Rate—The average output rate over the past five minutes, in bo th bits per second
and packets per second. For example, “10/40” shows that 10 packets are currently in the queue,
which can hold 40 packets.
•Input Packets—The total number of MAC layer packets received on the downstream at the cable
•Input Bytes—The total number of bytes output on the downstream at the cable interface.
•Input Queue—The current state of the input queue, shown as a ratio of the number of packets
currently in the queue over the maximum size of the queue. For example, “13/75” shows that 13
packets are currently in the queue, which can hold 75 packets.
•5 minute Input Rate—The average input rate over the past five minutes, in both bits per sec ond and
packets per second.
•Transmit Load—The current transmit load, shown as a ratio of the packets currently in the transmit
buffer over the size of the buffer.
•Receive Load—The current receive load, shown as a ratio of the packets currently in the re ceive
buffer over the size of the buffer.