Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.2(25)EWA
Chapter9 Configuring Switches with Web-Based Tools
Configuring Embedded CiscoView Support
Note The default password for accessing the switch web page is the enable-level password of the switch.
The following example shows how to install and configure Embedded CiscoView on your switch:
Switch# dir
Directory of bootflash:/
1 -rw- 8620304 Dec 23 2002 23:27:49 +00:00 wickwire.EW1
2 -rw- 9572396 Dec 30 2002 01:05:01 +00:00 cat4000-i9k2s-mz.121-19.EW
3 -rw- 9604192 Jan 3 2003 07:46:49 +00:00 cat4000-i5k2s-mz.121-19.EW
4 -rw- 1985024 Jan 21 2003 03:31:20 +00:00 Cat4000IOS.v4-0.tar
5 -rw- 1910127 Jan 23 2003 04:23:39 +00:00 cv/Cat4000IOS-4.0.sgz
6 -rw- 7258 Jan 23 2003 04:23:46 +00:00 cv/Cat4000IOS-4.0_ace.html
7 -rw- 405 Jan 23 2003 04:23:46 +00:00 cv/Cat4000IOS-4.0_error.html
8 -rw- 2738 Jan 23 2003 04:23:46 +00:00 cv/Cat4000IOS-4.0_install.html
9 -rw- 20450 Jan 23 2003 04:23:46 +00:00 cv/Cat4000IOS-4.0_jks.jar
10 -rw- 20743 Jan 23 2003 04:23:46 +00:00 cv/Cat4000IOS-4.0_nos.jar
11 -rw- 12383 Jan 23 2003 04:23:46 +00:00 cv/applet.html
12 -rw- 529 Jan 23 2003 04:23:46 +00:00 cv/cisco.x509
13 -rw- 2523 Jan 23 2003 04:23:46 +00:00 cv/identitydb.obj
14 -rw- 9630880 Feb 27 2003 01:25:16 +00:00 kurt70.devtest-enh
15 -rw- 1173 Mar 19 2003 05:50:26 +00:00 post-2003.
16 -rw- 10511956 Mar 26 2003 04:24:12 +00:00 kurt_alpha_bas_crypto_103
61341696 bytes total (9436548 bytes free)
Switch# del cv/*
Delete filename [cv/*]?
Command Purpose
Step1 Router# dir
Displays the contents of the device.
If you are installing Embedded CiscoView for the first
time, or if the CiscoView directory is empty, skip to
Step 5.
Step2 Switch# delete
:cv/* Removes existing files from the CiscoView directory.
Step3 Switch# squeeze
: Recovers the space in the file system.
Step4 Switch# copy tftp bootflash Copies the tar file to bootflash.
Step5 Switch# archive tar /xtract tftp://
ip address of tftp server
Extracts the CiscoView files from the tar file on the TFTP
server to the CiscoView directory.
Step6 Switch# dir
: Displays the contents of the device.
In a redundant configuration, repeat Step 1 through
Step 6 for the file system on the redundant supervisor
Step7 Switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Step8 Switch(config)# ip http server Enables the HTTP web server.
Step9 Switch(config)# snmp-server community
ro Configures the SNMP password for read-only operation.
Step10 Switch(config)# snmp-server community
rw Configures the SNMP password for read/write operation.