Software Configuration GuideRelease 12.2(25)SG
AppendixA Acronyms and Abbreviations
EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol
EARL Enhanced Address Recognition Logic
EEPROM electrically erasable programmable read-only memory
EHSA enhanced high system availability
EHT Explicit Host Tracking
EIA Electronic Industries Association
ELAN Emulated Local Area Network
EOBC Ethernet out-of-band channel
ESI end-system identifier
FECN forward explicit congestion notification
FM feature manager
FRU field replaceable unit
FSM feasible successor metrics
GARP General Attribute Registration Protocol
GMRP GARP Multicast Registration Protocol
GVRP GARP VLAN Registration Protocol
HSRP Hot Standby Routing Protocol
ICC Inter-card C ommunication
ICD International Code Desi gnator
ICMP Internet Control Mess age Protocol
IDB interface descriptor block
IDP initial domain part or Internet Datagram Protocol
IFS IOS File System
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol
IGRP Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
ILMI Integrated Local Management Interfac e
IP Internet Protocol
IPC interprocessor communication
IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange
IS-IS Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System Intradomain Routing
ISL Inter-Switch Link
ISO International Organization of Standardization
LAN local area network
LANE LAN Emulation
LAPB Link Access Procedure, Balanced
TableA-1 Acronyms (continued)
Acronym Expansion