Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.2(25)SG
This preface describes who should read this document, how it is organize d, and its conventions. The
preface also tells you how to obtain Cisco documents, as well as how to obt ain technical assistance.


This guide is for experienced network administrators who are responsible for configuring and
maintaining Catalyst 4500 series switches.


This guide is organized into the following chapters:
Chapter Title Description
Chapter1 Product Overview Presents an overview of the Cisco IOS software for
the Catalyst 4500 series switches
Chapter2 Command-Line Interfaces Describes how to use the CLI
Chapter3 Configuring the Switch for the
First Time
Describes how to perform a baseline configuration
of the switch
Chapter4 Configuring Interfaces Describes how to configure non-layer-specific
features on Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, and
10-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
Chapter5 Checking Port Status and
Describes how to check module and interface status
Chapter6 Configuring Supervisor Engine
Redundancy Using RPR and SSO
Describes how to configure RPR and SSO on the
Catalyst 4507R and 4510R switches
Chapter7 Environmental Monitoring and
Power Management
Describes how to configure power management and
environmental monitoring features
Chapter8 Configuring Power over Ethernet Describes how to configure Power over Ethernet
Chapter9 Configuring Switches with
Web-Based Tools
Describes how to install and configure Network
Assistant and Embedded CiscoView