Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.2(25)SG
Chapter2 Command-Line Interfaces
ROMMOM Command-Line Interface
To list keywords or arguments, enter a question mark in place of a keyword or argument. Include a space
before the question mark. This form of help is called c ommand syntax help, because it reminds you
which keywords or arguments are applicable based on the command, keywords, and arguments you have
already entered.
Switch# configure ?
memory Configure from NV memory
network Configure from a TFTP network host
overwrite-network Overwrite NV memory from TFTP network host
terminal Configure from the terminal
To redisplay a command you previously entered, press the Up Arrow key or Ctrl-P. You can continue
to press the Up Arrow key to see the last 20 commands you entered.
Tip If you are having trouble entering a command, check the system prom pt and enter the question mark (?)
for a list of available commands. You might be in the wrong command mode or using incorr ect syntax.
Type exit to return to the previous mode. Press Ctrl-Z or enter the end command in any mode to
immediately return to privileged EXEC mode.
ROMMOM Command-Line Interface
ROMMON is a ROM-based program that is involved at power-up or reset, or when a fatal exception error
occurs. The switch enters ROMMON mode if the switch does not find a valid software image, if the
NVRAM configuration is corrupted, or if the configuration register is set to enter ROMMON mode.
From the ROMMON mode, you can load a software image manually from Flash memo ry, from a network
server file, or from bootflash.
You can also enter ROMMON mode by restarting the switch and pressingCtrl-C during the first five
seconds of startup.
Note Ctrl-C is always enabled for 60 seconds after you reboot the switch, even if Ctrl-C is configured to be
off in the configuration register settings.
When you enter ROMMON mode, the prompt changes to rommon 1>. Use the ? command to see the
available ROMMON commands.
For more information about the ROMMON commands, refer to the
Catalyst 4500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Command Reference.