hard disk Internal storage media for permanent storage of system files, software, and data files. The hard disk consists of flat, round platters. Each side of each platter has a head that floats on a thin cushion of air over the surface of the rapidly spinning disk and picks up (reads) magnetically stored data or records (writes) data onto the disk.
hard drive The drive that reads and writes to the hard disk. If you have a large hard drive, it may be divided into several partitions. Each partition is designated by a different icon and a drive letter, beginning, with the letter C. Partition C: contains the files the computer uses to start up. The other partitions contain no preinstalled files.
hardware The physical components of a
HTML (hypertext markup language) The standard language for documents
designed for viewing on the Internet with a browser. Tags, embedded in the documents, mark the location of other electronic
.html. See also hyperlink.
http:// (hypertext transfer protocol) This protocol commands the Web server to
locate the Web site you requested and transmit the Web site to your computer.
hyperlink The embedded link to another document. When you pass the cursor over a link (usually highlighted text or an image), a small hand with a pointed index finger is displayed. When you click the link, the document to which it points is automatically transferred to your
icon A small picture that represents a menu command, file, program,
tool, or peripheral.
interactive A computer program that responds to you as if you were having a conversation. You give instructions; the computer performs an action or requests additional information. Computer games, multimedia, and tutorials are interactive programs.
interface A means of communication between two entities. A person and a computer interface through a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Two computers interface through a network or Internet connection.
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