3. Web Control
3.1 Projector Web Control (continued)
3.1.3 Network Settings
Displays and configures network settings.
| Item | Description |
Common Setup | Configures the settings common to wireless and wired LAN. | |
| Configures the name of the projector. |
| The length of the Projector Name can be up to 64 |
| Projector Name | alphanumeric characters. Only alphabets, numbers and |
| following symbols can be used. | |
| |
| |
| Particular projector name is |
| Configures the location to be referred to when using SNMP. |
| sysLocation (SNMP) | The length of the sysLocation can be up to 255 alphanumeric |
| characters. Only numbers | |
| |
| be used. |
| Configures the contact information to be referred to when |
| sysContact (SNMP) | using SNMP. |
| The length of the sysContact can be up to 255 alphanumeric | |
| characters. Only numbers |
| be used. |
| AMX D.D. | Configures the AMX Device Discovery setting to detect the |
| projector from the controllers of AMX connected to the same | |
| (AMX Device | network. For the details of AMX Device Discovery, visit the |
| Discovery) | AMX web site. |
| URL: http://www.amx.com/ (as of Dec. 2010) |
(continued on next page) |