Nippl es mu st be drive n in even ly an d to

the p roper dep th to assu re tig ht jo ints.

Most nipple leak s are cau sed b y tilte d

or co cked nipp les.

DO N OT us e ste el/iron head ham mer to

drive nippl es w ithout usin g a wood

block . Ni pple damag e may resu lt.

g. A special nipple setting gauge is provided for
the nipples. Gauge nipple in both directions to
insure that it is driven to the proper depth into
the nipple opening (nipple port). Cut-out in
gauge must rest on nipple, with legs of gauge
touching finished face of section, when nipple is
properly driven. See Figure 6.
h. Remove a 96” length of fiberglass rope from the
assembly carton. Starting with the area around
the upper 7” nipple port, firmly press the rope
into the groove, so that the adhesive holds it in
place. (If more than 25 minutes have passed
since the adhesive was applied, it may be
necessary to reapply.) Continue to affix the
rope to the groove in this fashion around the
perimeter of the section. Make sure that the rope
does not droop or hang outside of the groove.
When the end of the groove is reached, cut off
the excess rope. Push the length of excess rope
into the groove at the top corner of the section
face (opposite of the 7” nipple port.) Cut off and
discard any remaining rope after groove is filled.
See Figure 7.
Figure 7: Affixing the Fiberglass Rope
Figure 6: Nipple Gauge


Sectio ns m ust b e dra wn-u p tigh t
immedia tely after prope rly ap plyin g
seala nt for bes t resu lts. Al thoug h
sectio ns ma y be joine d wi thin t wo ( 2)
hours of a pplyi ng se alant, humi dity a nd
tempe rature affec t cur e time . If a "thi ck
skin" has been form ed on the seala nt
bead, remo ve an d re- apply seal ant.
Seala nt mu st be prop erly applie d to
ALL g roove s. F ailure to p rope rly se al
the b oiler joints will resul t in
combu stion gas leaks thro ugh the jo int.
DO N OT op erate boil er wi th
combu stion gas leaks .