a. Remove the jacket left side panels.
b. Loosen nuts securing the flue cleanout plates
and remove the plates. The insulation should
be removed with the plates taking care not to
damage the insulation.
c. Using a 1¼” diameter wire or fibre bristle brush
(36” handle) clean the flueways. Start at the top
of each flueway opening and work down the pin
rows using two or three horizontal strokes per
row for best results.
Remove the jacket top panel. Remove the top flue
canopy cover or outlet assembly. Use a flashlight to
inspect the upper portion of the flueways and top of
castings for soot and debris. Heavy accumulations
over 1/16” thick must be removed. Remove the
canopy being careful not to damage the cerafelt
strips. Brush and vacuum the upper flueways and
tops of castings.
a. Disconnect fuel line(s) and remove burner and
burner mounting plate.
A. GENERAL — Inspection should be conducted
annually. Service as frequently as specified in
paragraphs below. While service or maintenance is
being done, electrical power to the boiler must be “off”.
SURFACES & FLUE at least once each year,
preferably at the end of the heating season.
1. CLEAN THE VENT SYSTEM — Vent system
should be checked annually for:
a. Obstructions.
b. Accumulations of soot.
c. Deterioration of vent pipe or vent accessories
due to condensation or other reasons.
d. Proper support — no sags, particularly in
horizontal runs.
e. Tightness of joints.
f. Remove the smoke pipe. Remove all
accumulations of soot with wire brush and
vacuum. Remove all obstructions. Replace all
deteriorated parts and support properly. Seal all



This boiler must only be s ervic ed an d re paired by skilled and expe rienc ed se rvicetechn icians.If any con trols are r eplac ed, th ey mu st be rep laced with ident ical m odels .Read , und erstan d an d fol low a ll the instr uction s an d wa rning s con taine d in all th e sec tionsof th is man ual.If any elec trical wires are disco nnec ted d uring serv ice, c learly labe l the wires and assu rethat the w ires are re conn ected prop erly.NEVE R op erate boile r wit hout all si ght g lasses and brac kets in pl ace a nd s ecure ly fas tenedand sealed . Ve ry HOT com bustio n ga s may caus e bu rn in jury.Read , und erstan d an d fol low a ll the instr uction s an d wa rning s con taine d in ALL o f thecompo nent instru ction manu als.Assure that all s afety and oper ating contr ols a nd co mpon ents are o perat ing p roperl y bef oreplacin g the boil er ba ck in serv ice.
This boiler uses flamm able gas, high voltag e ele ctrici ty, mov ing p arts, and v ery h ot w ater
unde r high pres sure. Ass ure t hat a ll gas and elec tric p ower supp lies a re of f and that the
water temp eratur e is cool before atte mpting any disa ssemb ly or servi ce.
More than one gas s hut-o ff val ve an d ele ctrica l disc onne ct sw itch are u sed on th e bo iler.
Assure that all g as v alves and elect rical discon nect switc hes are o ff be fore a ttempt ing a ny
disas sembly or s ervic e.
Do n ot at tempt any s ervic e wo rk if gas is pre sent in th e air in th e vic inity of th e boi ler.
Neve r mod ify, remo ve o r tamp er w ith an y co ntrol devic e.