Pin Definitions (continued)
CYV15G0104TRB HOTLink II Serializer and Reclocking Deserializer
Name | I/O Characteristics | Signal Description |
ROE2A | Internal Latch[6] | Reclocker Differential Serial Output Driver 2 Enable. |
ROE1A | Internal Latch[6] | Reclocker Differential Serial Output Driver 1 Enable. |
PABRSTB | Internal Latch[6] | Transmit Clock Phase Alignment Buffer Reset. |
Factory Test Modes |
| |
SCANEN2 | LVTTL input, | Factory Test 2. SCANEN2 input is for factory testing only. This input may be left as a NO |
| internal | CONNECT, or GND only. |
TMEN3 | LVTTL input, | Factory Test 3. TMEN3 input is for factory testing only. This input may be left as a NO |
| internal | CONNECT, or GND only. |
Analog I/O |
TOUTB1± | CML Differential | Transmitter Primary Differential Serial Data Output. The transmitter TOUTB1± PECL- |
| Output | compatible CML outputs (+3.3V referenced) are capable of driving terminated trans- |
| mission lines or standard |
| |
TOUTB2± | CML Differential | Transmitter Secondary Differential Serial Data Output. The transmitter TOUTB2± PECL- |
| Output | compatible CML outputs (+3.3V referenced) are capable of driving terminated transmission lines |
| or standard |
| connections. |
ROUTA1± | CML Differential | Reclocker Primary Differential Serial Data Output. The reclocker ROUTA1± PECL- |
| Output | compatible CML outputs (+3.3V referenced) are capable of driving terminated trans- |
| mission lines or standard |
| |
ROUTA2± | CML Differential | Reclocker Secondary Differential Serial Data Output. The reclocker ROUTA2± PECL- |
| Output | compatible CML outputs (+3.3V referenced) are capable of driving terminated transmission lines |
| or standard |
| connections. |
INA1± | Differential Input | Primary Differential Serial Data Input. The INA1± input accepts the serial data stream |
| for deserialization. The INA1± serial stream is passed to the receive CDR circuit to extract |
| the data content when INSELA = HIGH. |
INA2± | Differential Input | Secondary Differential Serial Data Input. The INA2± input accepts the serial data |
| stream for deserialization. The INA2± serial stream is passed to the receiver CDR circuit |
| to extract the data content when INSELA = LOW. |
JTAG Interface |
| |
TMS | LVTTL Input, | Test Mode Select. Used to control access to the JTAG Test Modes. If maintained high for |
| internal | ≥5 TCLK cycles, the JTAG test controller is reset. |
TCLK | LVTTL Input, | JTAG Test Clock. |
| internal |
TDO | Test Data Out. JTAG data output buffer. | |
TDI | LVTTL Input, | Test Data In. JTAG data input port. |
| internal |
TRST | LVTTL Input, | JTAG reset signal. When asserted (LOW), this input asynchronously resets the JTAG |
| internal | test access port controller. |
Power |
| +3.3V Power. |
| Signal and Power Ground for all internal circuits. |
CYV15G0104TRB HOTLink II Operation
The CYV15G0104TRB is a highly configurable, independent clocking device designed to support reliable transfer of large quantities of digital video data, using
Document #:
CYV15G0104TRB Transmit Data Path
Input Register
The parallel input bus TXDB[9:0] can be clocked in using TXCLKB (TXCKSELB = 0) or REFCLKB (TXCKSELB = 1).
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