DSL-604+ ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide
Configuration File Maintenance
Use the Configuration File Maintenance store current settings to a file on your computer or to load previously saved configuration files on the device.
Figure 4- 22. Configuration Maintenance Screen
To save the current settings to a configuration file on your computer, click on the lower OK button, after the Backup configuration file option. The file will be saved as adslmodem.cfg or you can specify another name.
To load a saved configuration file form the computer, type in the full name and path in the Configuration File space or click on the Browse button to search for the file.
Remote Administration Access
The Router can be administered using a computer located outside the LAN. Permission to allow remote management must first be allowed by enabling remote management.
Figure 4- 23. Remote Administration Access
Enable remote access to the web manager by selecting Yes and clicking OK. The Save changes and reboot? Prompt will appear. Remote Administration is disabled by default.