Initial Configuration
4.3 MANAGEMENT Port Configuration (RJ45)
The factory configured
IP Address:; Subnet Mask:; Default Gateway:
The following example utilizes Microsoft HyperTerminal. Any freely available terminal emulator may be utilized, but please take note of the specific HyperTerminal setup settings if an alternate terminal emulator is used.
IMPORTANT: For Host Address, if initial IP Address HAS NOT BEEN configured, use
(default) or if initial IP Address HAS BEEN configured, use the Local Area Network address input during initial IP Address configuration.
HyperTerminal (terminal emulator) enter:
TCP/IP (Winsock)
Host Address: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn [i.e., or Local Area Network]
Port Number: 23
Set HyperTerminal (terminal emulator) properties
Under File>Properties>Settings
Emulation: VT100
Under File>Properties>Settings>ASCII Setup
Check box: Send line ends with line feeds
Check box: Echo typed characters locally
After completing review of the Command Line Interface (CLI) 17 section and Exercise - CLI setting Ports 36 section, detailed IP Address configuration can be found in the IP Address Configuration 28 section.
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