Frequently Asked Questions 61
Musicmatch Radio
Do I need an account to use Musicmatch Radio?
You may listen to any of our professionally, pre-programmed
stations such as Era stations, or Most Popular Stations, with
over 1,000,000 tracks available, without creating a
Musicmatch Jukebox account. If you opt to listen to these
free stations, you have access to CD-quality streaming and
Artist Match radio for one hour. Upgrading to Premium Radio
gives you unlimited CD-quality listening, customizable
stations and Artist Radio, playing only the artists you want to
hear, when you want to hear them. To upgrade, click the
Upgrade to Premium Radio
button below the Playlist
There are a few artists that I really like. Can I listen to only
those artists’ tracks?
Artist Radio plays music from the artists you choose, and plays
track after track from that artist exclusively. You can hear an
entire collection from one, or multiple artists with no
interruptions and in CD-quality sound. Artist Radio is
available through Premium Radio. To upgrade, click the