2Select the Privacy tab and place a checkmark next to the following options:
•Acquire licenses automatically for protected content.
•Send unique Player ID to content providers. Firewall/Antivirus Software
Do you have an active Firewall? Go to the Start menu, select Control Panel, then select Security Options.
1Select the Windows Firewall link under Manage Security Settings. If the firewall is on, continue.
•Select the General tab and uncheck Don't allow exceptions
2Select the Exceptions tab, press the Add Program button, and press the Browse button.
•Select the My Computer shortcut from the browse dialog and navigate to C:\Program
Files\Musicmatch\Musicmatch Jukebox\
•Add the following programs: mmjb.exe,
mm_TDMEngine.exe, mim.exe, mimboot.exe, MMJBBurn.exe, mmjblaunch.exe, and mm_server.exe.
Frequently Asked Questions