DKMS stands for Dynamic Kernel Module Support. It is designed to create a framework where kernel dependent module source can reside so that it is very easy to rebuild modules as you upgrade kernels. This will allow Linux vendors to provide driver drops without having to wait for new kernel releases while also taking out the guesswork for customers attempting to recompile modules for new kernels.
A device driver, often called a driver for short, is a program that allows the operating system or some other program to interface correctly with a peripheral device such as a printer or network PC card. Some device drivers, such as network drivers must be loaded from the config.sys file (with a device= statement) or as
DUD (Driver Update Diskette)
Acronym for driver update diskette. A DUD is an image of a diskette stored as a regular file. To use it, you have to create a real diskette from this file. The steps used to create the diskette depend on how the image is supplied.
Software stored in
Flash Memory
Sometimes referred as simply "flash", is a compact,
The mechanical, magnetic, electronic, and electrical components making up a computer system constitutes its hardware.
Hot Add/Remove
It is the addition/removal of a component while the system is running and operating normally.
A connection between any two PCI Express devices is known as a link.
Megahertz or one million cycles per second is a unit of frequency commonly used to measure the operating speed of a computer processor or any other electronic component.