Online Services
You can access Dell Support at support.dell.com. Select your region on the WELCOME TO DELL SUPPORT page, and fill in the requested details to access help tools and information.
You can learn about Dell products and services on the following websites:
www.dell.com/ap (Asian/Pacific countries only)
www.dell.com/jp (Japan only)
www.euro.dell.com (Europe only)
www.dell.com/la (Latin American and Caribbean countries)
www.dell.ca (Canada only)
You can access Dell Support through the following websites and
•Dell Support websites support.dell.com support.jp.dell.com (Japan only) support.euro.dell.com (Europe only)
•Dell Support
•Dell Marketing and Sales
•Anonymous file transfer protocol (FTP) ftp.dell.com/
Log in as user: anonymous, and use your
Automated Order-Status Service
To check on the status of any Dell products that you have ordered, you can go to support.dell.com, or you can call the automated