3.Disconnect the PMP3520 from the PC and enter a mode. Select a playlist from the Playlist folder to play a list of files organized with PMPSync.
NOTE: Press the Setting button and select SyncMode to Overwrite or Rename files with the same name that have been chosen for uploading. Choose Overwrite or Append on the Sync Playlist to overwrite or append the playlist.
The PMP3520 supports playback of
Figure 1 | Figure 2 |
❍Play Video on PMP3520:
1.Execute PMPSync to edit video file tags.
2.Connect the PMP3520 to the computer, refer to Connect and Disconnect from PC.
3.Upload the files with tags from the computer to the PMP3520 using PMPSync.
4.If the uploading video file is not supported by the PMP3520, you can use the bundled video converter tool to convert it to a supported format.
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