Function | Subfunction | Operation |
History |
| Press the HISTORY pushbutton on the Active Events menu bar to display the His- |
| tory Log. The History Log lists up to the 500 system events in chronological order, |
| with the most recent event listed last (once 500 is reached, the earliest event |
| is overwritten). The end of the log (the most recent events) appears when you |
| display the screen; scroll upward to view older event listings. To scroll through |
| the events, press the up or down arrow pushbuttons on the menu bar. To return |
| to the Active Events screen, press the EVENTS pushbutton on the menu bar. |
Meters |
| The Meter screens show the UPS meter readings for the unit. The default volt- |
| age displayed on these screens is |
| Eaton Customer Service Engineer can change the screens to display the voltage |
| |
| menu bar to display the Unit Meter screens. To scroll through the meter screens, |
| press the up or down arrow pushbuttons on the menu bar. The current UPS |
| readings are displayed in the information area of the screen. |
| Output | The Output screen shows output voltage |
| (each phase), and frequency being supplied by the UPS, as well as the kVA, kW, |
| and power factor measurements. |
| Input | The Input screen shows input voltage |
| phase), and frequency of the incoming utility source, as well as the kVA, kW, and |
| power factor measurements. |
| Bypass | The Bypass screen shows the bypass input voltage |
| rent (each phase), and frequency of the incoming utility source, as well as the |
| kVA, kW, and power factor measurements. |
| Battery | The Battery screen displays the battery voltage (Vdc), the battery current |
| (Idc), the minutes of battery time remaining, and battery temperature. Battery |
| temperature must be set up by an authorized Eaton Customer Service Engineer. |
| When battery life decreases to less than 20%,Check Battery is displayed. |
| Output Current | The Output Current Screen displays a |
| of the UPS. The graph shows the current for each phase. |
Battery Discharge |
| The Battery Discharge Log Summary collects information when the unit is on |
Log Summary |
| battery. The screen displays the total number of times since the last log reset |
| that the unit has transferred to battery. It also displays the date of the last log |
| reset, the average time spent on battery per event, and the total time on battery |
| since the last reset. Press the METERS pushbutton on the main menu bar to |
| display the Unit Meter screens. Scroll through the meter screens using the up or |
| down arrow pushbuttons on the menu bar until the Battery Discharge Log Sum- |
| mary screen is displayed. |
Battery Discharge |
| The Battery Discharge Log screen displays the individual log entries including |
Log |
| the date and time of the event, how long it was on battery, the unit load when |
| the event occurred, and the end voltage of the battery for that discharge period. |
| If no events have occurred, the screen will display LOG EMPTY. Press the LOG |
| pushbutton on the Battery Discharge Log Summary menu bar to display the Bat- |
| tery Discharge Log screen. To scroll through the individual events, press the up |
| or down arrow pushbuttons on the menu bar. To return to the Battery Discharge |
| Log Summary screen, press the SUMMARY pushbutton on the menu bar. To |
| clear the Battery Discharge Log, press the RESET pushbutton on the menu bar. |
kW Demand Log |
| The kW demand log collects information on events where the unit load exceeds |
Summary |
| a |
| a time period up to 9999 minutes and a load limit up to 9999 kW. If the limit is |
| exceeded within a given time period a log event is created. The kW Demand Log |
| Summary screen displays the number of total times the limit has been exceeded |
| since the last log reset, the date of the last log reset, the maximum kW reading, |
| and the total time over the limit. It also displays the average kW over the limit |
| and an estimated number of kWh used over the limit. Both of these values are |
| calculated using the difference between the actual measurement reading and |
| the |
| is set at 10 kW and the measurement is a constant 15 kW for the entire period, |
| the average kW over would be 5 kW and the total kWh used over the limit would |
| be 5 kWh. Press the METERS pushbutton on the main menu bar to display the |
| Unit Meter screens. Scroll through the meter screens using the up or down ar- |
| row pushbuttons on the menu bar until the kWDemand Log Summary screen is |
| displayed. |
1027574 | UPS 450 - 550 kVA (2x225 - 2x275 kVA) | 53 |
Revision B | User’s and Installation Guide |